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April 13, 2020 - Message of Glorious Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM.

St. Joseph has given a short little prayer for your children to recite when they gather flowers from the garden and place them before the home altar.

Peace to your heart, My son!
My son, when men and women cannot obtain the merciful look of God and attract His grace with their pleading before His Divine Heart because of their sins, children obtain everything from My Divine Son with their pleading before His Throne. It was like this during the terrible time of World War II, when the Pope invited parents and Priests to bring the children around the altar of My Immaculate Spouse, offering flowers and prayers to obtain the gift of peace for families and for all humanity and God heard the children's prayers and, in these difficult times, it will be no different.
Tell parents to ask their little children to gather flowers from their garden, if they have one, and to place them before the altar of their homes in honor of My Divine Son and My Immaculate Spouse and that they say:

“Jesus and Mary, it was St. Joseph who asked me to offer You these flowers with My prayers, united to His Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys, to His tears and sweat shed to sustain You, to help You and protect You in difficulties, persecutions and the dangers You went through while you were living in this valley of tears, for all this have mercy on all humanity. United to His Most Chaste Heart, we honor your Most Sacred Hearts, offering our prayers as reparation for our sins and the sins of the whole world, by which you are offended and as a plea for the conversion of sinners. Remove this terrible scourge as soon as possible and obtain for us the grace for the liberation and victory over all evil. Amen!”
In doing so, My son, My Immaculate Spouse, who is seated at the right hand of the King of Heaven, as Queen, with a splendid robe of gold of Ophir, will know what to do and what to ask before the Divine Heart of My Son Jesus for each one of you and for the whole world.
Act! Here is My message, My message of life and hope for the whole world, because My Son is alive and is risen and He has overcome sin and death to open the doors of Heaven and give eternal life to all those who believe in the power of His Words and His Divine love. I bless you!


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